Policy for Student Organizations Posting Notices on Campus

General Statement

The objective of the policy is to ensure that The Catholic University of America maintains an orderly appearance appropriate to a university campus while providing members of the greater university community with a maximum of publicity outlets. Cooperation is essential to creating an attractive and pleasant environment for students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors. 


The Office of Campus Activities (OCA) must authorize all student organization materials before they may be posted on campus. OCA is the official registration point for posters, signs, notices, flyers, banners and announcements. Permission is given if the materials comply with established university policies. In addition to this policy, the policies outlined in the Residential Student Handbook provide guidelines specific to the residence halls.

Designated Posting Areas

We have developed a list of all available bulletin boards on campus for you to post flyers on. Feel free to print or view this list here.

Banners on Pryz Railings (Pryzbyla University Center)

A representative from Housing Services must install all items displayed on the Pryzbyla University Center railings. Adhesive (tape, glue, stickers, etc.) and wire are not to be used on any railings. Items not properly installed or posted in areas not designated for posting will be removed and may result in loss of posting privileges.

Banners in other locations

Banners may be hung in designated areas on campus and you must work with OCA for assistance and other offices depending on the location (example - ECS for Pryz, Residence Life for Residence Halls, etc.) Items posted in the designated areas must follow flyer policy. The respective office reserves the right to remove any banner that is not approved, considered in poor taste or presents a hazard to persons or property.

Columns (Pryzbyla University Center)

Events & Conference Services (ECS) is the only office that posts things in the Pryz. Student Organizations are not permitted to post their own flyers on the columns. They must go through OCA who will provide ECS with the number of flyers needed for the Pryz columns. 

Poster Removal

Materials posted must be removed no later than two (2) days after the conclusion of the event. The Office of Events & Conference Services will remove the posted material in the Pryz and student organizations are responsible for removing their posted materials in other buildings. Undated material may remain posted for a maximum of two (2) weeks.


Materials to be distributed or posted must list all of the sponsoring organizations.

Identification of Publicity

All advertisements, announcements and signs must be identified with the name and contact information of the person or organization responsible.


Publicity written in any language other than Standard American English must contain an English translation.


Events sponsored by a University student organization that include the availability of alcohol may be advertised only after meeting with a OCA representative to discuss the program's details and to ensure compliance with the university's alcohol policy. The service of alcohol at an event may not be expressly mentioned on advertisement of said event. 

Other Promotion Methods (Handbills, Circulars, Flyers and Table Tents)

Distribution of handbills, circulars and flyers not in violation of campus regulations is permitted on campus. The campus retains the ability to exercise its right to regulate the time, manner and place of the distribution. Student organizations wishing to distribute any materials must obtain permission from OCA. Distribution is not allowed in buildings, other than the Pryzbyla University Center, or parking lots. Interference with the normal flow of motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic is not permitted. The disposal of discarded handbills, circulars or flyers is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization. Generally the placement of table tents in the dining hall and food court is allowed with prior approval from the Director of Dining Services.

Student Government Elections

During student government elections, exceptions to this policy may be established by OCA and in consort with the student government. This information is distributed with the election materials to all candidates.

Mass Mailings

Registered student organizations may distribute information through resident student mailboxes if the material is approved by the OCA, and all pieces are folded, addressed, bundled according to residence hall and delivered to the mail room for distribution. To obtain mailing labels, contact OCA.

Room Distribution

Placing material under residents' room doors is prohibited. Special permission may be granted by Residence Life for major campus programs.


Materials are not to be posted in areas other than designated posting areas. If OCA becomes aware of any violation of this policy, it notifies the sponsor in writing. If a second violation occurs, the sponsor loses all posting privileges for a time period equivalent to one semester and may be assessed a fine. If violations continue to occur after this sanction is assessed and the sponsor is a registered student organization, OCA has the option to revoke the organization's registration for a time period equivalent to one semester. The loss of registration status results in the loss of scheduling facilities and events and the possible loss of using funds. If a student violates this policy by posting or distributing handbills for an unrecognized organization, the student may be subject to disciplinary procedures

Reasonable Accommodations

In addition to reviewing the University Policy on Reasonable Accommodations at University Events, all student organization flyers must include the following accommodations statement: 

"To request accommodations please contact [event organizer] at [phone or email]"